Are you ready for global payroll outsourcing?

global payroll outsourcing

Over the past 15 years, Global Payroll outsourcing has emerged from the context of Global Mobility and Tax, Global EMS has grown and moved with the changing market need.

Both Global Payroll and Global EMS started with the Aggregation Process, which is manual, spreadsheet-based, prone to error and time-consuming.

From Aggregation to Automation

We found that what clients needed were systems with more integration between each other, more automation, or a system that could feasibly manage all this data. In the absence of a truly Global Payroll system and integrated platform, we carried out a detailed analysis of the requirements with clients around the world and across different industries – allowing us to define a set of complex and constantly changing needs.

Over a number of years, we then built a system to provide a secure, banking-standard, global integration platform which fulfils the hugely diverse requirements of international and global payroll and provides the solutions clients commonly seek. This system enables the refined management of the process, and the full use of a company’s existing capabilities.

The consequent need for Global Payroll outsourcing

Global EMS developed our system into an application that could deliver the capability in its entirety, provide automation, and take and return data from multiple systems including the System of Record.

These system capabilities were client-led, and they enabled Global EMS to offer new services previously unavailable in the marketplace. All of this was great; nevertheless, it still did not assist some clients who wanted to outsource or change providers, but found they couldn’t do so because of a lack of internal resources or the capability to manage the change to global payroll.

When outsourcing or refining their global and multinational payroll, some of the main challenges faced by companies occur before implementation even starts. In a robust, refined and integrated transition process, there needs to be a client project manager, supported by both the provider, and internally by the client.

To effectively ‘manage the change’, the first questions that every organisation must ask themselves are:

1.  The aim of Global Payroll outsourcing – what are we trying to achieve?

2.  Do we have the internal resources to implement Global Payroll and manage change – all whilst doing our day job?

3.  Do we have the necessary breadth of knowledge and experience across Payroll, HR, Tax, Finance and IT to drive a successful implementation?

4.  Do we know exactly how global payroll works within the company now – are we compliant with registrations, tax, immigration, data processing and payments, and aware of the full cost of the existing process?

5.  Do we have the company ‘buy-in’, and are we empowered to ensure full and timely responsiveness from all our departments?

Contact us today – – and find out more about how we can help you with Global Payroll