Expense Management

We ensure that Expense Management issimple to manage on a global scale in line with both local legislation and company policy. Our systems are intuitive, fully integrated with payroll, tax, compensation and benefits. We track, monitor and record international expenses, providing global reporting and analytics to enable better business decisions based on timely and accurate data.



Achieve visibility and control of expenses by integrating your expense management solution with your enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution.

Mobile App

Mobile Apps

Our Expense Management app enables employees to capture and submit business and travel expenses using their devices’ camera with ease, allowing managers to quickly review and approve expense claims.

Global Reporting

Global Reporting

Detailed reporting and analytics provide a clear financial picture of expense management costs, with automated feeds into your financial systems, enabling action and control.

Accurate, fast and automated

Gone are the days of paper receipts and spreadsheets. Our Expense Management systems are driven by automation, ensuring an accurate and timely process from data capture through to taxation and payment.

Employee experience

Expense Management doesn’t need to involve endless heaps of paper receipts and documentation. Our solutions focus on the employee, saving them time and ensuring that the process of expense management is a swift, seamless experience from the point of data entry, through to receipt of payment.

Our mobile applications allow employees to submit, manage and track their expenses on the fly and from anywhere around the world.

Expense Management – Employee Experience – Global EMS
Expense Management - Compliant and Controlled - Global EMS

Compliant & controlled

Global EMS’ Expense Management solutions are fully integrated with payroll, ensuring compliance and ease of production of W2’s and P11D’s  . Our global reporting is flexible and auditable, in line with local regulations and company policies.

Integrated with ERP Systems

We deliver accurate and timely data output, integrated with your ERP systems to eliminate manual data processing and the associated errors and delays. 

Our integrations are effortless and flexible, tailored to your requirements where required, providing transparency at all levels of the organisation.

Examples of our integrations include SAP, PeopleSoft, Oracle and Equus, among many more.

Expense Management - Integrated with ERP Systems - Global EMS
Expense Management – Return on Investment – Global EMS

Return on Investment

Mobile Apps allow us to deliver a cost-effective way of managing expenses, globally.

Organisations using our expense management services have seen a return on investment (ROI) of more than 100%, simply from the time savings associated with processing expense claims with Global EMS.

Contact Us

Contact us today and find out how we can help you. Please complete the contact form.